Take the "Resume Revive + Thrive" 5-Day Video Mini-Course CHALLENGE!

Resume Writing CHALLENGE

5 Videos over 5 days – the fastest way to update your Resume. Oh, and it’s FREE!.

If you could look back ten years, what would you have told yourself to start that day? Why not make today that day.


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Absolutely powerful. I would have easily paid hundreds more to obtain the tools within this book.

Anonymous, Real Estate Investor

This book gives a great introduction to the world of real estate investing. It provides a lot of great resources to get started. I appreciated the way the writer acknowledges emotions a new investor may feel about entering the real estate market. I would recommend this book to anyone considering the business of real estate.


Really helpful tips for pimping out your LinkedIn profile to get employers to contact you. Great read if you are looking for a new job or just want a career upgrade.

J to the C

Top 5 Mac Keyboard & Trackpad Shortcuts You Must Know

5 MINUTES TO IMPROVE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY FOR LIFE Let's take a quick test to determine if it's finally time to upgrade your Mac skills. Do you ever click on the green circle in the top-left corner of an application to "minimize" the window? Do you ever click on icons in the Application "Dock" on the bottom (default) of your screen? Do you ever have troubles finding a file or determining in what folder that file resides? If you said "yes" to any one of these, I have some bad news. You suck at using your Mac. Sorry, but you're as efficient as a sloth on weed. Don't worry, we can still be friends, but only if you take a few minutes to learn the following new skills. Oh, and by the way, they are guaranteed to make you LOVE your Mac again. Ok, here we go! BE A BETTER PRESENTER TIP #5: CREATE MULTIPLE DESKTOP LAYOUTS (3-FINGER SWIPE UP) AND MOVE BETWEEN THEM SEAMLESSLY (3-FINGER SWIPE SIDE-TO-SIDE) WITH "SPACES" If you ever have to present using multiple applications then nav